Trouble Snoring? Why Not Choose A Neti Pot?
Human beings have been known to device ways to help them circumvent every problem they encounter. You will be amazed however, how many solutions can be invented even without the direct use of technology. In the past, every item was hand-made and purposed to solve a specific problem. Today we shall be discussing everything there is to know. And, exactly how does a neti pot work? Neti pots are items that are used in clearing nasal passages for better breathing. They have been known to prevent snoring and were discovered in ancient Hindu for health purposes. As the name suggests, they resemble ordinary pots.
How Does A Neti Pot Work?
We all know how much a blocked nose can get in the way of quiet and convenient sleep. First you have to use your mouth to breath. You may choke up at night if you inadvertently close your mouth and your nose is blocked. That said, you need an effective tool to put all this tribulations to rest. This is where a neti pot comes in handy. But how does a neti pot work? It might feel weird and gross when used for the first time. First, use distilled water, boiled tap water that has cooled or tap water passed through 1 micron sized pores filter. Second, prepare a salt solution if a readymade sachet isn’t provided. Use non iodized salt free from caking agents and additives. Mix half teaspoon of salt and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder to the water.
The Benefits Of A Neti Pot
Neti pots are simple tools that solve complex problems. A blocked nose for example, can cost you a whole night’s sleep. We hand you the solution on a silver platter. Even more, an indepth on who can benefit from neti pots. These devices are not only solve the snoring problems but also prevent seasonal colds. People vulnerable to these problems are in desperate need of neti pots but they just don’t know it. Neti pot benefits are also meant to be enjoyed by allergy sufferers. These are the people who experience allergic reactions to pollen, dust and pet dander. We also have another group of people with chronic sinus congestion. They should consider using neti pots. Finally, pregnant women host nasal swelling as a resuly of blood volume increase. Neti pots help relieve this burden.
How To Use Neti Pots
First, you prepare a water solution with salt and baking powder as explained above. This water solution has to be poured into one nostril and come out of the other. First tilt your head sideways over a sink. Now breathe using your mouth to ensure proper flow of the solution. On the upper nostril, place the spout of your neti pot and ensure it’s airtight. Pour about half of the solution slowly. This allows the water to run down your nose and flow out of the lower nostril. Repeat this procedure with the other nostril then blow your nose slowly without pinching it. This removes excess water. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, here is a diagram to give you more insight on how a neti pot works.
What To Look For When Buying A Neti Pot
If you get blindsided while buying a neti pot, the weight of the consequences will impact your health negatively. First, consider the best materials for a neti pot. Ceramic, plastic and steel have had the lead. These materials have their pros and cons. Neti pots have to be easy to clean. This prevents bacteria buildup inside the pot. Consider a simple shape, wide opening and easy reaching nooks. Also, consider particular brands on how does a neti pot work? The handles should be solid without cavities for easy cleaning. A neti port should also be comfortable when placing it on the nostril in terms ofits temperature and smoothness of the edges. Breakability is crucial; ceramic breaks easily unlike plactic. Squeezing help regulate water pressure going through the nose. Plastic is the only material soft for this. For an aesthetic front, ceramic neti pots appear classy and appealing.
Pros And Cons Of Different Neti Pot Making Materials
Steel, ceramic and plastic are the leading materials that make neti pots. These materials have their pros and cons. It’s in your discretion to device a sorting criterion. The bottom line is that they all get the work done. As discussed above, there are many sorting criteria you can use to draw the lines that best meet your matrix. Below are the three materials discussed in details to enable prudence while making your choice.
STEEL Neti Pots
Steel is always liked for the way it reflects light and shines. It’s good for people who like aesthetics. Stainless steel is also unlikely to rust. This means that it can easily be cleaned. When dropped, steel can’t break. The worst case scenario is getting a dent which is rare due to its light weight.
Steel is also advantageous when it comes to customization. It comes in different sizes thus convenient to many users with a volume of 58.67 ml. We sell HealthAndYoga steel neti pot alongside 25 pcs of ready salt. You can own one with €39.95 with 25 pcs of ready sachets in case of travelling.
On the flip side, steel is likely to rust if proper drying isn’t done. Steel being a good conductor of heat, it’s most likely to be cold on the nostrils before use.
Plastic has a wide range of advantages as compared to its rival materials. Obviously, plastic is cheaper compared to steel and ceramic. We abhor any budget disrupting products and so should you. Plastic is also free from breaking in case it falls accidentally. This is mainly due to its light weight which is just another advantage.
Plastic is also convenient for travel as it’s flexible and requires little bag space. You are also able to control the pressure of water while squeezing. Finally, plastic allows you to see the water level and potential dirt inside. We sell Nasopure plastic neti pot with no handle thus keeping cavities away costing € 18.99 only. It has 20 ready sachets and weighs about 150g.
However, some plastic designs can encourage bacteria accumulation; it’s unsafe for dish washing and can be degraded by salty water.
These neti pots are the most rampant and we recommend them the most. They are comfortable to the nostrils with smooth edges. Ceramic neti pots are easy to clean and thus hygienic. Their design reduces nooks considerably which prevents bacteria build up making them safe.
Additionally, ceramic neti pots can be cleaned safely in a dishwasher and have an appealing shiny look. We recommend the Himalayan Chandra Ceramic Neti Pot. It costs €48.57 weighing 1.7kgs. It’s good for sinus problems and removes excess mucus, pollen, dust and environmental irritants. This kit contains everything a daily nasal wash needs.
Even with all those advantages, ceramic neti pots are vulnerable to breaking when they fall. They require extra care during handling. Their thickness also marginalizes their capacity compared to plastic and steel. These neti pots are also heavy and low quality ceramics can trap mold due to pores that exist as a result.
It’s time to keep away allergies, seasonal colds, chronic sinus congestion and nasal swelling. This is not only beneficial to your health but also keeps snoring at bay. Look no further. We have recommended products to help you end these problems once and for all. Don’t hesitate. Just make your order and we are here to do the needful. Look also how to stop snoring naturally and find out the natural snoring treatment!